Like the leaves on a tree, our habits serve us for a season of our lives. When autumn rolls around we no longer need the leaves. To prepare for renewal the tree has to let go of the leaves that would otherwise drain its nutrients and hinder it from growing new leaves. 

Habits are automated practices that help us complete daily tasks efficiently and consistently without effort or concentration. While helpful, a habit can keep us stuck in the same pattern when we want to change. Learn more about developing helpful habits here.   

Our backgrounds, cultures, and histories shape and reinforce our habits. Samuel Njenga highlighted the importance of honouring the ground we walk on. This practice fosters awareness of the colonial past and the present realities of occupied lands. 

In conversation with Dr Hani Yulindrasari she shared how becoming a coach is challenging in a setting where teaching and giving advice is the norm. Watch the full interview here

Shifting habits requires introspection and challenging internalised beliefs. In doing so we unlearn dominant narratives and embrace diverse perspectives. This is at the heart of truly being transformative. 

As you reflect on the year, ask yourself, what new habit is ready to be born? 

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