Mo Salomon has teamed up with coaches Christine Guchu (Kenya) and Dr Atafeinam Abalo (Togo), to support the GIZ German International Cooperation’s programme on Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training for Women in Africa (ATVET-W). We offer coaching and mentoring to the multi-country team on their journey as Gender Transformative Leaders in agriculture in Africa.
Early July we joined the ATVET-W team at their retreat in Togo. We held a training session on gender issues and barriers to women’s participation in food value chains, agricultural vocational training, and agricultural policies. Through individual coaching, we stimulate team members to put insights into practice and promote gender transformative change in their own settings.
As team of coaches, we combine more than 20 years of experience in strategic planning, change management, gender and rural development, agriculture and extractives. We have a dynamic and creative style of facilitating interactive processes and powerful conversations that are grounded in a Neuroleadership and Integral coaching framework, infused with mindfulness and body awareness.