Consciously navigating your PhD journey


Pursuing a PhD is a deeply personal journey that stretches you mentally and emotionally

How do you find your way through? This coaching programme can help you to overcome stumbling blocks, find routines that work for you, and shift unhelpful habits in navigating your PhD journey.

Purpose: PhD candidates are confident and enabled in navigating their PhD journey (supported by supervisors who tap into their students’ potential).


  • Awareness of work style and habitual patterns that enable and constrain work progress
  • Recognizing hurdles in reading and writing, and strategies for overcoming these
  • Self-mastery in navigating this deeply personal journey
  • A peer support group to draw on and encourage each other


8 group-coaching sessions of three hours are held every second week. Also included are 3 individual coaching sessions of one hour, to zoom in on a specific issue and further embed new habits. An intake questionnaire will assess any specific needs you may have. If this is useful, your supervisor can participate in part of the coaching process, pro rata.

R 4 950 per person

Early Bird R 4 500 until 16 December 2017

Programme runs from January to March 2018

UKZN Pietermaritzburg or Howard College

For more info:, 083 3012936 

What is coaching

A coaching journey involves a series of structured conversations. We ask powerful questions that challenge and stretch you, bring awareness to entrenched patterns, and inspire you to act in new ways. I also use mindfulness, the Enneagram, 360 Leadership assessments, body-awareness and yoga as possible tools. Coaching is different from therapy in that we focus on the future you want, and taking actions to get there (Read my blog post Coaching is not mentoring or giving advice. As coach I believe you are best placed to find solutions that work for you. You drive your own process. My task as coach is to support and encourage you, challenge you and stretch you, and cheer you on.

Your commitment

As PhD candidate you are self-motivated and serious about setting aside time for self-discovery and growth. You see coaching as a worthwhile investment in yourself, and value the safe and confidential space that coaching offers. You are determined to make each session count, and not miss sessions. You are pro-active, prepare for each session, take notes, and follow through on actions between sessions. You push yourself to find out what is holding you back in your work, and are driven to make a lasting change for yourself and your surroundings.

About me

My name is Monique Salomon. Call me Mo. I am an accredited coach, and founder of Korumo Coaching for Transformation. Experienced facilitator and trainer in action research, community mobilization, and multi-stakeholder processes. Firmly rooted in the non-profit sector. Held a range of leadership positions. Worked on assignments in Europe, Africa and Asia. Holds a PhD in environment and development, and Masters in Cultural Anthropology. Their academic work has always focused on research for impact, and at the interface of the natural and social sciences. Produced a wide range of publications and video clips. A yoga teacher, runs for fun, mindfulness blogger, and twitterati for justice. Enneagram type 7.